Discarding the Guilt of the Past: Liberating Yourself for a Clean Future


In our ongoing journey towards self-liberation and inner cleanliness, today’s topic delves into a crucial and sensitive aspect of our lives—discarding the guilt of the past. This subject, although difficult to address, holds the key to unlocking a life of freedom, confidence, and peace. As women, we often carry emotional baggage that weighs us down, making it essential to clean ourselves mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This inner cleansing will naturally reflect on the outside, leading to a more fulfilling and radiant life.

Understanding the Weight of Guilt

Guilt is a powerful emotion that can manifest in both healthy and unhealthy ways. Healthy guilt can catalyse, prompting us to correct our wrongs and grow. However, unhealthy guilt, often amplified by external forces or internalized shame, can lead to severe consequences like depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. This type of guilt is particularly destructive and is what we need to address and eliminate from our lives.

One of the most common sources of guilt is sin, which the Bible identifies as a tool used by the devil—the accuser of the brethren. When we fall into sin, the devil magnifies it, making it seem insurmountable. This overwhelming sense of guilt can mentally and spiritually drain us, leaving our souls fragmented and our lives disjointed. Whether it’s a decision we regret, a past mistake, or a sin like abortion, the resulting guilt can be crippling. However, it’s important to understand that no matter how grave our actions may seem, forgiveness and redemption are always within reach.

Biblical Example: The Woman Caught in Adultery

The story of the woman caught in adultery, as told in the Bible, is a powerful illustration of forgiveness and liberation from guilt. Despite society’s harsh judgment and the threat of death by stoning, Jesus intervened with a simple yet profound statement: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” As her accusers dropped their stones and left, Jesus forgave the woman, instructing her to go and sin no more. This story serves as a reminder that no sin is too great to be forgiven, and no guilt is too heavy to be lifted.

The Dangers of Holding onto Guilt

When we allow guilt to fester, it can lead to a host of negative outcomes. Emotionally, guilt can make us feel worthless, anxious, and depressed. Spiritually, it separates us from God, making us vulnerable to further attacks by the devil. This separation is akin to a sheep being isolated from its flock, making it an easy target for predators. It’s crucial not to let guilt push us into isolation, where we become easy prey for negative thoughts and destructive behaviours.

Yes, it’s natural to feel guilty about past mistakes, but we must not dwell on that guilt. Instead, we should repent and move forward. The Bible assures us in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Psalm 103:12 further emphasizes that as far as the East is from the West, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. Therefore, repentance is not a difficult process—it simply requires a genuine acknowledgement of our mistakes and a commitment to change.

Forgiving Yourself: The Key to Freedom

One of the hardest aspects of dealing with guilt is forgiving ourselves. We often find it easier to forgive others than to extend that same grace to ourselves. However, self-forgiveness is essential for healing and moving forward. The devil may try to convince us that our sins are too deep to be forgiven, but the truth is that God has already taken our sins far away from us. Holding onto guilt only serves to keep us in bondage, preventing us from living the full and abundant life that God has promised.

It’s time to clean house—to take out the garbage that’s been weighing us down. Just as physically cleaning our homes brings a sense of lightness and relief, so too does spiritual and emotional cleansing. Confession, repentance, and self-forgiveness are all part of this process. The garbage of guilt doesn’t belong in our minds, spirits, or bodies—it belongs in the trash, where it should stay.

Seeking Help and Building a Support System

Sometimes, the weight of guilt can be too much to bear alone. In such cases, it’s important to seek help from trusted friends, family, or professionals. Our community, Chapters of Her, offers support through individual and group therapy sessions, often provided at little to no cost. We work with therapists to help women overcome guilt and other emotional burdens, providing a safe space for healing and growth. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out to us via email @chapterswithkayla or chaptersofherr@gmail.com.

Practical Steps for Discarding Guilt

In addition to seeking help, there are several practical steps you can take to discard guilt and move forward:

  1. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful way to release the emotional weight of guilt. It allows you to pour out your heart and leave your burdens on the page.
  2. Prayer: Prayer is an essential tool in the journey towards healing. Pour out your heart to God, knowing that He hears not just your words but your thoughts as well. Even if all you can say is “God, help me,” that simple prayer can begin the process of healing.
  3. Accountability Partners: Surround yourself with trusted individuals who can support you in your journey. Whether you’re struggling with an addiction or just need someone to talk to, having accountability partners can make all the difference.
  4. Affirmations: Speak positive affirmations over yourself daily. Remind yourself that you are more than enough, that you are forgiven, and that you are capable of living above your past. The more you affirm these truths, the more they become your reality.


As we conclude, I hope that this message has inspired you to take the necessary steps to discard the guilt of the past and embrace a new, lighter season in your life. It’s time to clean house, to remove the garbage of guilt, and to step into the freedom that Jesus has promised us. Remember, you are free. I am free. Thank you for listening, and I look forward to our next episode, where we will continue this journey towards inner and outer cleanliness.

Call to Action

If you’ve been struggling with guilt, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Whether through our community, professional therapy, or trusted friends, there is help available. Let’s take this journey together, and by the grace of God, find the freedom and peace that we all deserve.


Minister Kayla.