Clean House: Ridding off Low Self-Esteem


Welcome! Today, we’re diving into a topic I’ve titled “Clean House.” This discussion addresses issues affecting women daily and explores what the Bible says about overcoming these challenges. We’ll uncover how to reclaim our true identity and self-worth, regardless of societal pressures or personal experiences. This post will be the first in a series, starting with the pervasive low self-esteem issue.

Understanding Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is crucial for everyone, especially for women. Society often dictates how we should feel about ourselves, confining us to narrow definitions of beauty and worth. This pressure can severely impact our self-esteem. To counteract this, we will look at the biblical account of woman’s creation and understand God’s view of us. This perspective will help us align our self-worth with divine truth rather than societal expectations.

Scenario One: The Search for a Father

Let’s consider a scenario where a little girl is born into a home without a father figure. In many cultures, a father represents the first image of God to a child. Without this figure, the girl grows up longing for the protection and validation that a father typically provides. This absence can lead to a series of mistakes as she searches for something to fill that void. Unfortunately, the limitations of an earthly father further complicate her quest for self-worth.

Scenario Two: Facing the World

In another scenario, a girl grows up in a stable family with loving parents, bolstering her self-esteem. However, as she enters adulthood, various relationships and societal attitudes start to erode her confidence. Imagine working for a boss who believes women are inferior. Such an environment chips away at her self-esteem over time, often without her realizing the full extent of the damage until she leaves that toxic setting.

The Silent Erosion

Many women experience similar erosions of self-esteem in different contexts. Whether it’s a discriminatory work environment or a society that perpetuates gender inequality, these experiences can subtly but steadily break down our confidence. The Bible teaches that faith comes by hearing the word of God, but in these environments, the negative messages we hear—whether explicit or implicit—can have a profound impact on our self-worth.

The Burden of Cultural and Societal Expectations

Women from all backgrounds face societal pressures that undermine their self-esteem. For some, it’s the lack of a positive male role model from childhood; for others, it’s the constant devaluation of professional and personal relationships. Even women from supportive families can find their self-esteem battered by life’s challenges. The burden of societal expectations—whether related to appearance, career achievements, or personal life—can lead us to doubt our worth.

Overcoming Negative Narratives

It’s crucial to question and reject the negative narratives that society imposes on us. Society often dictates that to be valued, women must fit a specific mould—slim, tall, elegant, and accomplished. However, true self-worth comes from understanding who we are in God’s eyes. According to the Bible, our value is intrinsic and not based on external factors or societal standards.

The Journey to Clean House

To truly reclaim our self-esteem, we need to “clean house”—shedding the emotional and psychological burdens we’ve accumulated. This process involves recognizing the trauma, pain, and negative experiences that have weighed us down. For some, these burdens include childhood trauma, abusive relationships, societal discrimination, or personal failures. It’s about letting go of these negative influences and embracing the identity God has given us.

Practical Steps to Cleaning House

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to identify the sources of your low self-esteem. Acknowledge the pain and trauma you’ve experienced.
  2. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community—friends, family, or a faith group—that affirms your worth.
  3. Engage with Scripture: Regularly read the Bible to understand God’s perspective on your identity and worth.
  4. Professional Help: Consider therapy or counselling to work through deep-seated issues and traumas.
  5. Positive Affirmations: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations based on biblical truths.


Cleaning House is a journey that requires patience and perseverance. Step by step, we can shed the weight of past traumas and societal expectations. We can reclaim our true identity and self-worth as defined by God. Remember, you are valuable and worthy just as you are. Stay tuned for the next part of this series, where we will delve deeper into practical ways to rebuild and maintain healthy self-esteem.


Minister Kayla.